Wednesday 6 April 2011

Five reasons why you should write your life story

There are many reasons why you might wish to write an autobiography or memoir. Here are my top five:

  1. To show your children and grandchildren who you really are. Remember, they have only known you since you were an adult, in the role of parent or grandparent. Write the story of your life as you remember it and give them a glimpse of the real you.
  2. To record a unique piece of social history. Biographies and memoirs of people from all ages are viewed as valuable documents by historians. Write yours and you will be doing your bit to illuminate the decades that you have lived through for the benefit of future generations.
  3. To pass on the wisdom you've learned. Life teaches us many lessons. Some may be worth passing on in the hope that others don't make the mistakes that you have made.
  4. To reflect on your career. Whether you are a teacher, a company director or a High Court judge, you are bound to have plenty to say about your subject. Capturing the funny, happy and sad memories of your working life can give you tremendous satisfaction and is sure to make you see that all that hard graft was worth it.
  5. For fun. These days we're all so busy with our lives that we often forget to enjoy the present let alone remember the past. Sitting down to write your autobiography can be a great way to wallow in a bit of good old nostalgia.
If you want to write your life story but need a little help to get you started, why not get in touch? I can help with the writing and editing of your book and even organise for a few copies to be professionally printed and bound. Check out the website for more details. 

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